Maureen Mackey

Maureen Mackey passed away just as she would have wanted; surrounded by her husband and best friend of 42 years, Timothy Mackey; her three children Myriah, Patrick and Siobhan; and her five grandchildren Hilah, Finn, Rhys, Evangeline and Arabella.  Maureen was a loving and devoted wife and mother who enjoyed living life on her own terms.  She had several passions in life including her family, her gardens and her animals.  A lifelong learner, Maureen pursued learning and new experiences in many forms.  She was an avid world traveler who visited dozens of countries and enjoyed speaking multiple languages.  Maureen could often be found plotting the next world trip with her sister and partner in crime, Jeanne.  She loved her three rescue dogs (who are only a little bit naughty).  Maureen’s thirst for knowledge was rivaled by her strong sense of compassion for those around her.  She taught her children and grandchildren to work hard, help others and leave their communities in better shape than they started.  Generous and gracious, Maureen would have given anyone the shirt off her back.  Maureen loved to garden and cultivate living beauty.  She was quick with a joke and could get a rise out of even the stiffest shirt.  Maureen was brilliant, beautiful, kind and loving.  She will be sorely missed by the many people who loved her, but we will all enjoy sharing our memories of how she made our lives better. Memorial visitation 4-8 p.m. Friday, January 24th at Hallowell & James Funeral Home, 1025 W. 55th St., Countryside.  Donations in lieu of flowers can be made in tribute to Maureen to the Chicago Botanic Garden and the Hinsdale Humane Society. Funeral home phone 708-352-6500

7 Replies to “Maureen Mackey”

  1. I’ve known Maureen for a long time, Almost as long as Tim. One of my early memories of Mo was her phoning Tim in the middle of card games. She had the uncanny ability to time her calls just as Tim was starting to loose.

    Years later the bums would get together with their wives for a meal. I would very much enjoy sitting next to Mo who would leave me in stitches during to entire meal.

    It’s that wonderful sense of humor I remember. Indeed when things started getting rough for her she laughed at her fears. Her courage and fortitude are an inspiration for me. For all of us.
    Love you Mo
    God speed

  2. I never had the honor of meeting “Mo” I worked with her husband Tim for a short while. All I can say is I felt as if I did know her from as much as Tim spoke of her, not to mention the numerous times throughout the day they would call each other. It was all about Mo. What Momma wants, Momma gets as Tim would say. I am truly sorry for your your loss and my condolences to you and your family.

  3. Sweet memories of Maureen’s compassion and laughs while working at Hinsdale South. She would enter a room and brighten everyone’s day! She was always entertaining and making sure we were all okay! May Tim and her kids all know we enjoyed her spirit and kindness she shared!

    1. The world’s a noticeably less sunny, funny, and cheerful play today. Being around Maureen (Mo) Mackey, one knew they were with a friend who put you at ease, and that something good or humorous was going to happen, even if it was just 5 minutes in her grocery checkout line. Many will share stories of her kindness and generosity; I have several, from her loaning her daughters’ prom dresses and wedding supplies, to bringing a family meal when my wife had back surgery. Also, an impromptu French lesson before my first trip abroad, learning all the courtesies that made all the difference. As front end manager at Dominick’s she helped my special needs students get hired, job coaching their success that became company practice. Her sense of humor was infectious, including coercing a boisterous teacher to jump out of a cake for a retirement party, or teaching a senior customer how to use the new credit card reader (telling it, “I want credit!”). Mo, thank you for your friendship and kindness to my family, and our students at Hinsdale South. Our lives are better having had you in them.

  4. Thank you Maureen. My life and my career have been so much better because you were in it. You were always a bright spot in my day when I showed up to fly. I always knew that it was going to be a good day when I would turn the corner of the concourse and see your flowers on the counter of the gate that you were working. Thanks for celebrating my son’s accomplishments with me and giving a single dad parenting advice. It really helped and more than you’ll ever know. Although I never got to be your pilot when you flew out to visit your daughter, I’ll always think of you whenever I fly to or past that city. Rest well, gentle lady. May God bless your family.

  5. It has been more than 20 years since I have seen Maureen. As the person who called her to substitute at Hinsdale South, I can say she was always cheerful and ready to come help out. What I remember most is that she knew I enjoyed lilacs; so, when they bloomed in her yard, she would always bring me a bunch to put in a vase at my desk. What a lose to her family and friends! I will always remember her as being loyal to me and to Hinsdale South. Thank you, God, for sharing her with us even if the time was too short.

  6. Godspeed Mo, and may creator hold your family close during this time. I worked with Mo at Dominick’s and she is Godmother to my daughter Kelly. Too many years have passed that I last saw her.
    Debbie Hermansen (Trezzo)
    I was searching for her just last week on the Dominick’s facebook page……holding her in our prayers

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