Rebeca Casillas

Rebeca Casillas age 89, formerly of Chicago, passed away in Tampa, Florida on July 31, 2016. Loving Mother of Martha Perales-Clark, Samuel Perales and Rebecca Lopez; cherished grandmother of David and Michael Clark; proud great-grandmother of Alana and Trint Clark. Visitation and funeral Thursday, August 4, from 9am until time of an 11am chapel service at Hallowell & James Funeral Home 1025 W. 55th St., Countryside. Final resting place Queen of Heaven Cemetery. Service Info: (708) 352-6500
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Que Dios te bendiga y te guardé y haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti y te de paz a todos con tu pérdida. Rebeca está con El.
Rebecca, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. May she rest in peace.
Rebecca. I am sorry to hear about your Mom. Thoughts and prayers are being sent to you and your family. I know you have many memories to treasure.
With sympathy, Elsa
Doy gracias a Dios por la vida de esta querida hermana, Rebeca Casillas, ex miembro de la Iglesia Presbiteriana Ravenswood, en Chicago. Fue un placer conocerla y tenerla como parte de mi rebaño. Su cariño e increíble sentido del humor son inolvidables y fueron una bendición para toda la congregación. En la época de mi pastorado nos hacíamos llamar la Rebe (ella) y la Reve (yo). Oro porque Dios dé consuelo y paz a toda su familia. Con cariño, la Rev. Magdalena I. García, Chicago.
I’m so sorry Tita and becky for you guy’s loss and ours too
Its painful to see my tia Rebeca leaving so suddenly
RIP Tia Rebeca you’ll always be loved and though of, you left us to soon you will never be forgotten
I moved from chicago to Tennessee 3 year’s ago
I remembered you guys always
My deepest condolences to you’ll.
Rsvp please keep in touch im in Facebook as Martha L Reyes my Email is B
Para mis queridas primas les doy mis condolencias por la partida de mi tía Rebeca, que Dios me las bendiga y les de fuerza para seguir hacia delante. Mi ma cinsero pésame las quiero mucho cuídense besos y abrazos. ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Teresa Avelar de Gonzalez
Rebecca I’m sorry for you guy’s loss, i still can’t believe that my tia left us so soon received out most deepest condolences from our family the Avelar
My nane is Martha L Reyes
My dad is Hector Avelar sr from Chicago IL
My heart is with you Rebeca